Saturday, January 18, 2014

Questing for the pool

Ok, I'm not sure if I was talking about this, but the pool at the new place has been taunting me for almost a full week. So, instead of my usual priorities, today, the goal was getting into that pool. As usual, it was harder than expected.

All the paperwork was done yesterday, so all I needed was to go through inspection, and the place was mine. Since I read all the rules as part of the massive contract, I knew I needed a shower to not get yelled at. So I asked where the pool shower was and learned it was broken. So I needed to use my own, but it only came with the curtain rod. No curtains. So, off to Walmart!

So, I do some shopping, get the curtains, head back, and go to lace them up. No rings. So, I go off to a nearby dollar store. I get some stuff to help me rough it until the movers arrive, but no shower curtain rings. So, back to Walmart, and I eventually find them. Now, I head back, weave it in, wash up, and finally get ready. It's like 3, now, but it's still a warm 80.

So, I go in the spa, and get to relax for the first time in weeks. I tried the pool proper, and it's really cold. I guess that's why no one was ever there. I'll keep it for when it's over 90°F in the midday sun.

However, during my explorations (GPS assisted of course), I often spot cool things, and I marked off a corner with cool things. I passed by the Radio shack, which is full of cool electronic components I'll never have the patience to use, but it's good to know I can go there if I need a program to do something mechanical.

I also spotted a Japanese grill next to a Vietnamese place. Since I had pho yesterday, I went for the sushi combo, and it was glorious. They also have an all you can eat scheme where you can order what you want. They have an insane variety, so I'll need to try that when I'm hungrier, to try out all those.

I've also asked around, and collected a checklist of other nationalities to try, and some recommendations. I'll need to start looking into those too.

Overall, it's going well, but I'll need to rely on communal WiFi, which is better than the hotel. I'll be roughing it for a few days, but the end is in sight. I have a permanent address, so I can get stuff mailed. Just need that paycheque!

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